Have you ever felt the need to put the footrest down? Are you still charging on the slopes, but at the end of the day- you realize you are considerably more tired and sore than you were back in the day? The newest ski video “Footrest” humorously touches on some of the challenges of being an aging ski bum- and it’s something that we will all probably be able to relate to at some point. I can’t be the only one who is not getting any younger around here. Lif’ Ticket – a ski town rapper, husband and dad gives us the low down on the perils of getting older on the slopes. He prepares for the day with ace bandages and knee braces. Then, with his arms full of kid size skis and boots he heads to the family friendly groomers for a “big” day. After three or four runs, this ski bum turned family man is already feeling the aches and pains. He happily trades in shot skis from his past for hot toddies and chooses a glass of wine on a sunny deck over the all night drinking conquests from his glory days. As we grow older, our ski routines may change a bit, but we are still a ski bums at heart.
With what seems like one injury after another, this season has been particularly challenging for me personally. It is clear that my body just can’t bounce back from a hard day on the slopes like it used to. Maybe I’ll start taking some of Lif Ticket’s advice and put my footrest down.