The recently published Quarter Report: Third Quarter 2016 by Benson Sothebys International Realty is available now. Feel free to check out the entire report for all the details on real estate sales in the area from January through September. Sales are broken down into the three main markets: Single Family Homes, Condos and Townhouses and Land. The overall market is looking good with a .2% increase in sales volume, when compared to sales through the third quarter last year. So far this year Benson Sothebys has represented clients in a total of 276 sales with a total sales volume of over $125 million. The average price for a single family home in Crested Butte is up 48.9% from 2015 and the average price for a single family home in Mt. Crested Butte is up 35.3% from last year. Home prices in Crested Butte South have also risen, seeing an increase in average price of over 20%. The average price of condos and townhomes have increased across the board from Gunnison to Mt. Crested Butte. Land prices have increased in Crested Butte, while the other land markets have been a bit slower so far this year. However as home prices increase throughout the valley, the notion of buying land to build on may become more attractive. Read the full report here and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.
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