9 Types of Coloradans You’ll Bump Into This Year
Whether you are a native Coloradan or a recent transplant, we all have our reasons for moving to and living in “Colorful Colorado”. There are those who moved halfway across the country to live the life of a “Ski Bum” and those who’s family raised them here as did their parents and Grandparents. Just take a look around, it’s plain to see that the Centennial State has an extremely diverse population. OutThere Colorado has put together a list of a few of the most noticeable groups of Coloradans, 9 Types of Coloradans You’ll Bump Into This Year. There are the “Natives” the “Transplants” the “Ski Bums” and “Insanely Fit Old Dudes”, just to name a few. But probably our favorite would be the “Local”. We all know the “Local”, especially when it comes to Crested Butte local, Tuck who’s smile and laugh you just can’t miss. The “Local” brings a certain “sass” and much wisdom to our towns. With interesting hobbies and stories, they are truly the backbone of our communities here in Colorado and especially in small towns like Crested Butte.
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Photo Credit: Charles Roach.