Places in Colorado Ranked by Annual Snowfall
Did you know that out of all the Places in Colorado Ranked by Annual Snowfall, Crested Butte is ranked #1? That’s right, Crested Butte is #1 in the state when it comes to annual snowfall so it’s no wonder why this is also one of the best ski towns in Colorado. Are you looking forward to another big ski season? On average, Crested Butte receives 216.6 inches of snow annually which has skiers from around the world flocking to Crested Butte to catch one of the many powder days. With an average of 66.2 days of snowfall, we see plenty of bluebird days as well. 200+ inches of snow still not enough? Located just 10 miles outside of Crested Butte, Irwin receives three times as much snow with an average annual snowfall of 600 inches per year!  Thanks to consistent storms bringing low-density snow, resulting in days of over the head, dry, cold-smoke powder the Irwin area backcountry offers some of the best off-piste skiing in North America. So when planning your next ski trip, check out Crested Butte, CO – ranked #1 of Places in Colorado Ranked by Annual Snowfall.
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