YTD Stats
Residential sales volume through August totaled $227,072,012 which is down 16% year over year. The number of transactions so far this year are down 26% compared to last year (239 compared to 301). The average sales price, $950,092, is up 8% from $873,504 last year. Currently there are 72 properties under contract totaling $94,201,900; 26 of which are listed at $1M or more.
August Sales
In August, we had 16 single family home sales and 12 condo/townhome sales in the upper valley*. These 28 sales totaled $42,269,069 which was up $17,193,469 from July. Sales ranged from the ideally located Grand Lodge studio selling for $200,000 to a luxurious estate inspired by an old-world castle in Prospect at Mt. Crested Butte which sold for $10,000,000.
Land sales volume decreased 7% from July, despite an increase in the number of sales. There were 9 total sales which totaled $4,210,025 in August. Sales ranged from a Schofield Park parcel for $30,025 to a Red Mountain Ranch homesite selling for $920,000.
*Upper Valley = data collected from Almont north
Upper Gunnison Valley Sales | August 2023
Active Listings
We have 19 fewer active residential listings than last month.
* Change from last month in parentheses
Current Inventory
Leading the Market
Crested Butte Collection ranked #4 for quantity of transactions and #5 for volume in Gunnison County for 2022.*
*Source: CREN December 31st, 2022
All reported statistics were not necessarily listed/sold by Crested Butte Collection. Information is intended only to show real estate market trends in the area.
Experience You Can Trust
Ranked #4
Upper Gunnison Valley
Residential Transactions
Ranked #5
Upper Gunnison Valley
Total Sales Volume
Ranked in Top 4%
Gunnison County
Residential Sales Volume
Ranked in Top 5%
Gunnison County
Total Sales Volume
Source: CREN MLS and Off-Market Sales, January - December 2024